Connecting the global copper market in Europe
26 Status:
Exhibition description
The Aerospace Europe Conference 2021 will be held in Warsaw, 23-26 November 2021. The conference will be organized by CEAS together with Polish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation & Warsaw University of Technology. Due to the uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic, two forms of conference are considered - traditional (face-to-face) and on-line. Maybe the hybrid form that will combine classical sessions for limited number of participants with on-line connection will be the best solution.
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Exhibition remarks
This exhibition information comes from the network, does not have a direct and indirect legal responsibility for this information. Due to the uncontrollability of the exhibition process, the exhibition may be changed the subject, postponed, or cancelled. Please check it with the organizer again before you attend the exhibition!